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Antropología Social y Cultural del Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 1510-3846
BONDAR, César Iván. Sobre el velorio del angelito: Provincia de Corrientes y Sur de la Región Oriental del Paraguay. Antropol. soc. cult. Urug. [online]. 2014, vol.12, pp.121-137. ISSN 1510-3846.
We propose the approach on the part of practical funeral homes linked to the little angels in the province of Corrientes and the South of the Region East the Paraguay bordering with the province concerned. The practice in the wake of the little angel cut for this presentation. The field work done among population of Catholic creed between 2006 and 2013. We prioritize the ethnographic method, the in-depth interviews, observations with different degrees of par-ticipation, records, and journals of the field. The documentary analysis has focused on sources of diverse origin (literature, folklore, historical and specialized in the topic briefs) mainly in guarani language, portuguese, and spanish. The analyzed sources consider that the wake of the little angel is no longer current, that it has disappeared from practical funeral homes linked to the deceased children housing. For our part we realize, according to the ethnographic present, that this remains in force; not crystallized as the images registered until the middle of the decade of the 60s of the 20th century, but maintaining significant elements distinguishing the adult death funeral.
Keywords : Little angel; death; funeral rite.