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Antropología Social y Cultural del Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 1510-3846
CROSA, Zuleika. Uruguayos en Argentina: aportes para la comprensión del proceso inmigratorio. Antropol. soc. cult. Urug. [online]. 2014, vol.12, pp.51-64. ISSN 1510-3846.
ABSTRACT The immigration issue and its various facets, requires an analysis that considers different disciplinary approaches: demographic, geographic, historical, sociological and anthropological. Among all make an agenda for research. In this paper we reconstruct the immigration process experienced by uruguayans in Argentina showing its peculiarities. On one hand, we traverse that takes input from various researches to know the process at the macro level. Furthermore, we present our ethnographic study, according to the parameters of Social Anthropology, which allowed us to account for the manifestations of the collective, everyday life and collective actors that support it.
Keywords : international migration; uruguayans in Argentina; immigration process; ethnography.