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Revista de Ciencias Sociales
versión impresa ISSN 0797-5538versión On-line ISSN 1688-4981
FERNANDES, Bernardo Mançano et al. Land grabbing, wind grabbing and sun grabbing. The formation of a new regime. Rev. Cien. Soc. [online]. 2024, vol.37, n.55, e212. Epub 01-Dic-2024. ISSN 0797-5538.
Since 2014, we have investigated land grabbing in Brazil in the Data Bank of Struggles for Spaces and Territories (DATALUTA). The data from 2014 and 2022 show a change in investments from the territorialization of agricultural extractivism to the territorialization of energy extractivism with the production of wind and solar energy, generating a new land grabbing regime. We analyze these data and two case studies to understand territorial disputes and changes in territorialities: a case in the state of Ceará, where two communities prevented the deterritorialization process and another in Rio Grande do Norte, where the community suffers the impacts of a wind farm resulting from the investment of funds and multinational companies.
Palabras clave : new regime of land grabbing; territorialization of the winds; territorialization of the sun; deterritorialization; territories of hope.