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vol.31 número42"La culpa es tuya": el individuo como centro en programas públicos dirigidos a jóvenes en UruguayNotas sobre políticas públicas de juventude no Brasil: conquistas e desafíos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Ciencias Sociales

versión impresa ISSN 0797-5538versión On-line ISSN 1688-4981


MIRANDA, Ana  y  ALFREDO, Miguel. Policies and laws on youth employment in Latin America: tensions between job integration and trajectories building. Rev. Cien. Soc. [online]. 2018, vol.31, n.42, pp.79-106. ISSN 0797-5538.

The article proposes to analyze the main problems faced by young people, using statistical secondary data. It exposes the result of a study about programmes, plans and laws on youth employment that have been implemented from 2000 on in Latin America. This work has been carried out from a documental exploratory study. It addresses employment promotion actions, which include job training, specific promotion regimes and first-time employment regulations, with the aim of discussing the intervention models as “toolkits” available for the design of youth policies. The conclusions challenge the conceptual matrix of “employability” (seen as individual capacities and/or skills), holding the relevance of the promotion of protected social trajectories for the youth.

Palabras clave : Employability; youth employment; youth employment promotion; first-time employment.

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