ISSN 1688-7026  online version






Submission Guidelines









Submission Guidelines

As part of the submission process, the authors are required to check off their submission that meets all of the following items, and accept that a submission that does not meet these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

     The submission has not been previously published or previously sent to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to / from the Editor ).

     The original work presenting research results and Communications to articulate the production of management knowledge with national public policy and Latin America and the Caribbean, have a maximum length of 20 pages.

     The work of theoretical or methodological review may take a maximum of 30 pages.

     Letters to the Editor Council may not exceed 5 pages.

     Reviews may be up to 4 pages long.

     Web addresses have been added to the references where appropriate.

     We will accept items in Spanish, English and/or Portuguese. It shall contain a summary of up to 250 words and 4 keywords in all three languages.

     The text should be double spaced, Arial font size 11 without using indents, margins of 3 cm. and numbered in the bottom right. Employ italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses) and all illustrations, figures and tables within the text in their proper place and not the end of the article.

     The preferred digital format for preparing images will be JPG. We also accept images created with Microsoft Office (ie, Excel, Power Point).

     The references are not included in the pages, but after the work.

     We do not accept footnotes; those which are absolutely necessary in the text should be numbered with consecutive Arabic numbers and go written on a separate sheet at the end of the work.

     Used formats “Publication Manual APA”, sixth edition.

     If submitting to a section of the journal peer-reviewed, you must make sure that the instructions in “Ensure a Blind Review made ​​by experts” have been followed.

     Each author must have an ORCID identifier.

     Authors must declare their contribution to the article.

  • Articles must be submitted with a section called "Data Availability", informing whether the data set is available and, if so, where to access it. In the event that the author has their research data on a server, they must declare it within the article, otherwise they must include a sentence within the article that details that the data set that supports the results is not available.

    Ensure Blind Review made
    ​​by experts

To ensure the integrity of the blind review by submissions to this magazine’s experts, it is necessary to strive to keep the identity of the authors and reviewers are known to them. This involves the authors, editors and reviewers ( who upload documents as part of his review ) that check if the following steps were taken for text and file properties :


1.      The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, use “Author “ and year references and footnotes footnotes, instead of author's name, the article title, etc.


2.      With Microsoft Office documents, the identity of the author should be removed as well from the properties of the file ( see under File in Word ), by clicking on the following, beginning with File on the main menu of the Microsoft application : File> Save As > Tools (or Options with a Mac ) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.


3.      With PDFs, the author's name must also be removed from Document Properties found under File in the main menu of Adobe Acrobat



Steps to submit your article to our magazine

The submission process is free and easy. To submit an article, users must first be registered as authors. If you are registered as such, please sign in Home page by entering your username and password. If you are not registered, register by clicking here.

Once registered and logged in, go to “Área Personal” (Personal Area) by clicking on the link with the name in the top of the screen. Now in its personal area appear just below the name of the journal, a link with the word “Autor/a” (Author) in the “Comenzar un nuevo envío” (Start a new submission) go to the link ehich invites pressing to start the submission process.

From there, the system will be guided through a 5-step process to upload your article to the system. Once complete, you will automatically be sent an e -mail confirmation.

Copyright Notice

Psychology, Knowledge and Society International license apply the Creative Commons Attribution License. Under this license, authors retain copyright ownership of the items but allow, without prior permission of the author or editor, anyone download and distribute the articles published in the magazine. The articles and authors should be mentioned. This license provides open access, free and open to original works of science and art.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.



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