ISSN 0250-3816 printed version
ISSN 1688-423X online version


Historic Information

Basic Information



 Historic Information

Most seagulls will not even bother to learn but the basic rules of flying: like coming and going from beach to food. For most seagulls what matters is not to fly, but to eat But to this seagull, however, what matter was not to eat, but to fly. Above anything in the world Juan Salvador Gaviota loved to fly.” 

Richard Bach


With this Juan Salvador Gaviota’s quotes started the editorial of the first issue of the Archivos de Medicina Interna in March, 1979, written by its director Dr. Juan Carlos Bagattini, who, along with Dr. Alfredo Alvarez Rocha, Pablo Ambrosoni, Homero Bagnulo and Raquel Ponce de Leon, has the smart vision and the determined work to start this publication, to which years later diverse Professors of Clinics were added. Among those we can highlight Prof. Dr. Jorge Torres Calvete, Director of the Medical Clinic “C” from the Facultad de Medicina (Medical School-Udelar) who starts being in charge of the Direction of the Magazine in 1994. It is worth mentioning that Dr. Alfredo Alvarez Rocha, Juan Carlos Bagattini and Raquel Ponce de Leon achieved the highest academic posts as professor in the Facultad de Medicina (Medical School) as Professors Directors of the Medical Clinic and that Dr. Pablo Ambrosoni as Deputy Professor of Medical Clinic, and Dr. Homero Bagnulo is the Director of the Intensive Care Unit of the “Maciel” Hospital (MSP) and was the Honorary President of the National Resources Fund (MSP). The Prof. Dr. Jorge Torres Calvete finished his academic career as Director of the Alumni School in 2006, same year in which he also stops being Director of the Archivos de Medicina Interna.
Since 2007 Prof. Dr. Alfredo Alvarez Rocha, founder of Archivos de Medicina Interna took charge of the direction of the publication.

 Información Básica

From its origin Archivos de Medicina Interna files has tried to achieve the objectives of transmitting to the Medical Staff the knowledge generated in our community through original articles, updating different topics in monographies and gathering interesting casuistry in which the authors refer to exceptional situation that allowed to increase the clinical hip of its readers.
Archivos de Medicina Interna has no sponsors; although the journal includes advertising, it is never presented so as to interfere with the journal’s editorial decisions, and in full compliance with the current publishing standards and regulations. 
From its begginings Archivos de Medicina Interna Files has organized scientific activities along with its editorial task, inviting foreign medical specialists and also nationals to debate abut topics of their field.
Its abbreviated title is Arch. Med. Int., which should be used in bibliographies; page footnotes, and bibliographic references. 

It is published every four months.
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